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Explore our range of specialized energy optimization services crafted to elevate efficiency and maximize cost savings.


Analysis of the current situation.

It all starts with a thorough analysis of the “quarter-hourly” data.  This gives already a clear insight of the total consumption, and the profile related with it.  In case the customer has already a local production (eg from solar panels), this production is set against the total consumption to get a clear view of the additional take-off from the grid, or injection onto it, together with the financial impact based on the running contract.

Setting this out in a graph makes the customer’s profile transparent, and genereates already  ideas for potential improvement.


Simulation of new scenarios


One of the biggest advantages of Triangle Procurement’s methodology is the calculation model it constructed to simulate the impact of different scenarios.  These may as well concern additional consumption expected due to an investment in a factory, or (additional) solar panels.  Or why not consider installing a battery ?

With this simulation model, the customer gets a detailed overview of the impact of the new situation, providing insight, not based on a general rule of thumb, but on detailed calculations.



As Triangle Procurement works completely independent from any supplier (neither energy supplier, nor installer of green assets), it can launch requests for quotations from the market, and make a detailed simulation of what would be the real full cost of the different offers.  Since the new market situation gives many alternative contracts, Triangle Procurement makes a detailed simulation of all to compare on a numeric basis.  If desired by the customer, negotiations can be held with the suppliers to get to the best possible contract as well.

Contract negotiations



Follow up on contracts & invoices

Once the contract is in place, a monthly report gives a clear overview of the new situation, and provides insight on how the target has been achieved, or still requires some finetuning. Do any anomalies pop up ? Does the cost lay in line with the expectations ?  How does it compare to previous years and months ?  Triangle Procurement provides also a monthly simulation of the expected invoice so the customer can easily check the invoice from the supplier.

Follow up

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Ultimately, Triangle Procurement always remains available for any request for additional advice, tailored precisely to the customer's needs.

Ad hoc advice


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